Re: I am trying to get a box to check when specific conditions are met.
I am sure there is a few ways but I never cared much for using and unless I had to, here is a pretty simple if statement with a count that should work as well if you want a different option. =IF(COUN…2 · -
Re: Multiple IF AND Nesting Formulas
@Steve_B1 Gotcha, the and was throwing me off there a bit sorry about that.. Is this what you're looking for? =IF(GVWR@row = 6050, "6050", IF(GVWR@row = 6500, "6500", IF(GVWR@row …2 · -
Re: Lord Help Me!
@Matt_at_Loves I used the Job was opened date in the formula's above as it seemed like that was the column you wanted to use as the base date. if you change the yes no column in your formula to the J…1 · -
Re: Lord Help Me!
You should be able to add another if in front of the first if and say if if(column X = Closed then "0",IF([📅 OFR]@row <> "", [📅 OFR]@row, TODAY()) - 📅🏁@row)) in the above ex…1 ·